Scripture Reading for Monday, March 10th
Reading: Mark 1:1-3
Preparing the Way
John the Baptist went ahead of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He proclaimed the coming of God's heavenly kingdom and the need for repentance of our sins. John went ahead of Jesus, preparing his way for an important purpose. It is important to remember that Jesus didn't exist in his own world; rather God used those he had prepared to, in-turn, prepare the way for the arrival of his only son. John the Baptist, a human, wasn't just an afterthought of God but an explicit part of laying the groundwork for what Jesus was about to do.
This is also true of Jesus' mother Mary, who bore him in her womb and raised him from infancy. It is likewise true of Joseph, Jesus' earthly father who loved and nurtured this miracle child. There were so many people involved in preparing the way for Jesus.
We can often dismiss ourselves as unimportant and somehow trivial, to think our part and our gift doesn't matter. I don't believe God thinks that way about us at all. We are all John the Baptists, and Marys, and Josephs in our own rights. Each of us are preparing, in our own part of the world and for those we live life with, the way for our Lord so that he can make his appearance in the life of another.
During the baptism of Jesus the Father pronounced his favor upon Jesus; that he truly was his beloved son and the hope of the world; he did this though with the full participation of John. God wants to partner with us in such a way that others would come to know who Jesus is because of us and our witness for Christ.
When we listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and obey the words of our our heavenly father, we receive the gift of participating in the pronouncement of God's good news!
Questions for reflection or journaling
- Do you find it surprising that God would want to partner with us? Why?
- In what ways are you uniquely gifted for participation with God?
- What are some of the doubts standing in your way?
Father, forgive us our self-doubt and our own worry over whether or not we are worthy of your grace. Prepare in us a heart that in return prepares the world around us for your arrival and restoration. Keep our minds on you and the gift of Jesus Christ as we move towards easter.