Lent 2014 - Monday, March 17th

Scripture Reading for Monday, March 17

Reading: Luke 6:27-36

Loving your Enemies

Core to the remembrance of Christ crucified is remembering what he was crucified for; which is to bring about the means for reconciliation between God and humanity. This was highlighted yesterday, God wants a real and direct relationship with us, and even more he wants us to experience peace, and wholeness of life.

Few things Jesus has taught have caused more controversy than his admonition that his followers would love their enemies. I wonder what our world would look like if more people relied less on man-made solutions to violence and relied more upon the teachings of Jesus Christ? Core to Jesus' teachings about bringing about a world that is more like God's kingdom, that reflects God's shalom, is dealing with the reality that violence only extends and escalates violence.

Mercy is core to understanding why Jesus responded to the violence of this world not with a military conquest and the death of those opposed to him; rather he took the act of violence upon himself in order to end the cycle of violence and nullify its effect. Mercy is core to understanding how peace and wholeness of life can be attained 'on earth as it is in heaven.' and that mercy begun in him extends today through us, his people.

Questions for Reflection or Journaling

  • What would happen if you used those moments in which others persecute and attack you to show love to those hurting you? How would it change you? How would it change the situation?


Father, certainly you have shown your mercy on the cross. You are the final judge and arbiter of good and evil, and we are your people sent to love the unloved and unlovable.
